Ghosts of Georgia Investigation report

On March 7, 2015, GOGPI investigated claims of paranormal activity at a private residence in Greensboro, GA. The activity reported at the residence is as follows: The client feels uncomfortable at night. Shadows, apparitions, animals acting different.

Investigators & people present at investigation: Investigators – Ed Laughlin, Beth Peters, Chris & Christie Bradley, Larry Conley and Gretchen Mann


Moonrise, moonset and phase calendar:

Meridian Passing  

March. 7, 2015


8:34PM (96°)

7:51 AM (267°)

1:49 AM (53.6°)


Distance Illuminated








Weather Conditions:

Past Weather Conditions for K3J7
Observations prior to selected time: March 07, 2015 – 09:00 EST
Weather Conditions at March 7, 2015 – 8:55 EST

  8:55 24 Hour Max 24 Hour Min
Temperature 39.2° F 53.6 at 16:35 30.2 at 6:15
Dew Point 41.0 at 10:15 26.6 at 16:55
Relative Humidity 100 at 9:35 37 at 16:55
Wind Speed 0 mph 6 at 10:55 0 at 10:15
Pressure 29.68 in 29.68 at 8:35 29.60 at 16:55
Sea Level Pressure 30.42 at 9:55 30.34 at 17:15
Altimeter 30.42 in 30.42 at 8:35 30.33 at 16:55
Weather conditions clear
Visibility 10.00 miles 10.00 at 9:15 10.00 at 9:15
Ceiling 4400 at 10:55 4000 at 9:15


Equipment used by Investigators:

Cameras: Two Canon Rebel digital cameras, Samsung digital camera, Fuji S602 digital camera, Tasco infrared trail camera, iPhone 5S Camera/Video, numerous IR Video Cameras connected to a J2000 DVR. Nikon Coolpix L28 Full Spectrum digital camera, Bell & Howell IR Camcorder, JVC Everio Camcorder, T700 Full spectrum Camcorder, DDV-2200 full spectrum video camcorder, Insignia full spectrum HD camera/video recorder, MagiCam Mini Camcorder, FLIR Bcam w/SD, set of full spectrum POV glasses.

DVR: Black HD-SDI H.264

EMF Meters: Electro Sensor EMF Meter, Cell Sensor, Digital EMF Detectors, Mel-8704R-KII, Mel-8704-R, several K-II Meters.

Audio Recorders: Sony P210 digital voice recorder, 2- Sony digital recorders, Olympus D-10 digital voice recorder, RCA digital recorder Olympus VN-4100PC. Spion Parabolic Dish.

Thermometers: Cen-Tech mini non-contact infrared digital thermometer and an Omega HH68K ambient thermometer. Mel-8704R-KII has ambient thermometer included.

Other: 2-P-SB7 frequency sweep radio( spirit box ), P-SB11 spirit box, Spirit voice receiver, Boo Buddy Bear, Laser Grid, Compaq Presario Laptop, Dell Laptop, Ovilus M, Altec speaker, 2- Rem Pods various flashlights.

Condition of the home:

The house was built Circa 1860. The house was in good structural shape, some of room floors did have a slant to them and the floor boards would creak as expected in a house of this age, the utilities were up to date and in good working order, the doors and windows were older and prone to drafts, we could also hear outside noises and voices coming through the windows.

Start DVR 7:43 pm, Start Investigation 9:45 pm – End Investigation 5:10 am, Stopped DVR 9:09 am

Base Readings7:20 pm

Kitchen 65 temp, 0.0 EMF

Dining Room 63.6 temp, 0.0 EMF

Spanking Room & Front Parlor 61 temp, 0.0 EMF

Main Floor Foyer 61 temp, 0.0 EMF

Living Room 61.8 temp, 0.0 EMF

Back Porch Bedroom 61.3 temp, 0.0 EMF

Upstairs Landing/Hall 64.2 temp, 0.0 EMF

Brother’s Bedroom 63.4 temp, 0.0 EMF

Bonus Room off Brother’s Bedroom 63.1 temp, 0.0 EMF

Guest Bedroom 63 temp, 0.0 EMF

Master Bathroom 65 temp, 0.0 EMF (Heater has high EMF sitting in bathroom)

Master Bedroom 65 temp, 0.0 EMF

Investigation – Team 1 – Chris & Larry

  1. 10:40 pm – Outside
    1. 10:52 pm – Start EVP – 11:00 pm End EVP
  2. 11:00 pm – Outside Small Barn
    1. 11:05 pm – Start EVP – 11:10 pm End EVP
  3. 11:10 pm – Outside “The Help’s House”
    1. 11:10 pm – Start EVP – 11:23 pm End EVP
  4. 11:31 pm – Outside Big Barn
  5. 11:49 pm – Ended Outside Investigation – Back to Base

Investigation – Team 2 – Christie & Ed

  1. 10:40 pm – Inside
  2. 10:46 pm – Upstairs Bonus Room off of Brother’s Bedroom
    1. 10:52 pm Start EVP – 10:58 pm End EVP
  3. 11:04 pm – Brother’s Bedroom
    1. 11:10 pm Start EVP w/flashlight – 11:20 pm End EVP
  4. 11:23 pm – Guest Bedroom
    1. 11:25 pm – Start EVP w/flashlight –11:34 pm End EVP
  5. 11:34 pm – Main Floor Foyer
    1. 11:37 pm – Start EVP – 11:49 pm End EVP
  6. 11:50 pm – Master Bedroom
    1. 11:56 pm – Start EVP w/Spirit box – 12:09 am End EVP
  7. 12:10 am – End Investigation – Back to Base

Investigation – Team 3 – Beth & Gretchen

  1. 12:41 am – Guest Bedroom
  2. 12:50 am – Master Bedroom
    1. 12:51 am – Start EVP w/flashlight – 1:11 am End EVP
  3. 1:11 am – Bonus Room
    1. 1:12 am – Start EVP w/Spirit box – 1:47 am End EVP
  4. 1:47 am – Living Room
    1. 1:53 am – Start EVP w/Spirit box – 3:05 am (time change) End EVP
  5. 3:05 am – End Investigation – Back to Base

Investigation – Team 2 – Christie & Ed

  1. 12:36 am – Outside Big Garage
  2. 12:57 am – Outside “The Help’s House”
    1. 1:05 am – Start EVP – 1:18 am End EVP
  3. 1:20 am – Outside Front Porch
    1. 1:26 am – Visual on Front Porch – 1:37 am End Visual
  4. 1:37 am – End Investigation – Back to Base

Investigation – Team 4 – Ed & Chris

  1. 4:08 am (time change) – Front Parlor
    1. 4:12 am – Start EVP w/flashlight – 4:24 am End EVP
  2. 4:25 am – Foyer
  3. 4:34 am – Master Bedroom
    1. 4:37 am – Start EVP Session – 4:47 am End EVP
  4. 4:50 am – Living Room
    1. 4:54 am – Start EVP w/flashlight – 5:04 am End EVP
  5. 5:05 am – End Investigation – Went to bed.


Investigation – Team 3 – Beth & Gretchen

  1. 4:06 am (time change) – Outside Front Porch
  2. 4:15 am – Big Barn
  3. 4:40 am – End Investigation – Back to Base, and went to bed at 5:05 am.



GOGPI was called in to investigate the above claims of activity. Base reading in the house were within normal limits, temperature normal for conditions, EMF were within normal reading, except around the electrical equipment and electrical panels where they were higher, as expected.

We did not get anything in our pictures. We did record several EVP’s. The investigators had some personal experiences, see below.

With the claims of activity, personal experience by the investigator, the EVP’s that were recorded we feel like there is paranormal activity in the house. We cannot say the house is haunted without a follow up investigation to see if we can reproduce the claims of activity, personal experiences, and to gather more evidence of paranormal activity.


Ed Laughlin

Ghosts of Georgia Paranormal Investigations


Personal Experience summaries from investigators on the investigation


While in the guest bedroom I heard a noise that sounded like boards creaking or shuffling of feet across the carpet, it sounded like it was in the hallway. The second time I heard it, the Rempod went off in the downstairs hallway about thirty seconds after the sound. No one was around the Rempod at the time. While walking around the side of the house between the barn and house, I saw a shadow move quickly along the driveway away from us going in the direction of the street. Christie commented that the horse in the barn turned and looked in the direction the shadow went right after I saw it.


I witnessed the rempod in the hall go off while doing my sweep with Ed. I had asked for something to throw the ball down to me and I would throw it back. At that moment is when the rempod went off. I also saw the rempod go off in the brother’s room while Beth and Gretchen was investigating in the bonus room.


I had no personal experiences


I saw a shadow figure in the hall way during our walkthrough. I also saw lights on the dining room wall and ceiling during the walkthrough with Mandy. While in the guest bedroom upstairs I heard a shuffle sound that sounded like it was coming from the upstairs hallway. Ed also heard this noise. The shuffle sound happened right before the REM pod went off in the downstairs hall way. The REM pod continued to go off until we went down the stairs and it stopped.

Sensitive Impressions:
The figure I saw in the hall presented a male presence. I picked up on a male presence throughout the home. While sitting on the brother’s bed I felt my chest rattling as if I had bad chest cold with heavy congestion in my lungs. This was not mine because my chest was not congested at all. While in the guest bedroom I felt as if we were intruding on someone’s personal space.


  1. In the parlor during the tour I saw a white mist over Mandy’s head while she was telling me how active it was the night before we arrived.
  2. Also during the tour, in the master bedroom, Beth and Mandy were looking in the attic at the projection room. I turned to follow Christie into the bathroom and when I stepped into the bathroom, Christie was not there. That is when I realized, Christie was not wearing white and was out in the hallway already. I do not know who I had followed.
  3. Heard a few voices throughout the night- disembodied AND some sounds like slaps and bangs.
  4. Experienced some abnormal interference with the walkie talkie. With Beth in the Bonus room, the walkie started buzzing and then morse code sounds came from it. Then we could hear everything base said and Ed’s group who was outside was saying over the walkie talkie. Then another voice came over the walkie, someone not in our group.
  5. I also had an encounter with a very solid looking dark colored and white goat with long floppy ears. It was dark and I saw her when I unlocked (keyless entry) my doors to get my purse out. She was standing 5-10 feet away from me between me and the clients truck in the front turn around. I wish I would have taken a picture or tried to pet her, but I was unsure if she was friendly. I found out later the client has no goat now but used to and she was black and white with long floppy ears in the front. The client called her Marilyn.
  6. Heard the REMpod several times including once while we were in the bonus room and other times at base. I was also woken up in the morning to the REM pod (I thought it was the one downstairs) but Ed did not wake up and it was outside in the hall of the room he was in. It must have been the one in the brother’s room upstairs. Beth and I also witnessed the REMpod on video go off, and then the light stayed on without sound (odd). Sensitive Impression….I love loved loved the house from the moment I could see it through the trees. Upon entering the front doors I heard the song “Buffalo girls wont you come out tonight” on a parlor piano in my mind and thought of the Threadgoode home in Fried Green Tomatoes where extended family and close family alike found refuge and safety and I felt welcomed. The clients were good hosts and opened their home and their lives to us, just like that family I referenced from Fried Green Tomatoes.
    I do sense an energy male in the home and it feels like a father to the client. I kept interchanging grandfather and dad. And I was confused as he was biologically her Grandfather but theoretically raised her as his child. I do feel like it is him as the doctor, and he feels more like a practicing physician than a war hero, as if the life in Greensboro defined him more than the beaches of Normandy. Normandy was a sense of survival and basic humanity and war was a dreadful thing.  While he takes honor in the team work and loves the attention…he said the country life suits him. I do feel he is sometimes in the home, but he always hears her. He is a protector and willing to help her even with home repairs as he could fix anything.
    I do also feel the brother’s energy, and while Beth states he is reincarnated, his feeling of just being present and living life and loving others still lingers and it is strong. I see him as a reminder to breathe and be present. There is a female feel to the upstairs guest room, and it feels older like before this family moved in. It feels late 1800s. I did get a name Jane and the other name I received was by the Help’s house…”Simon or Simeon”. I also believe client is a healer with past life experience in it.


  1. Heard a few voices throughout the night- disembodied AND some sounds like slaps and bangs.
  2. Experienced some abnormal interference with the walkie talkie. With Beth in the Bonus room, the walkie started buzzing and then morse code sounds came from it. Then we could hear everything base said and Ed’s group who was outside was saying over the walkie talkie. Then another voice came over the walkie, someone not in our group.
  3. Heard the REMpod several times including once while we were in the bonus room and other times at base. I was also woken up in the morning to the REM pod (I thought it was the one downstairs) but Ed did not wake up and it was outside in the hall of the room he was in. It must have been the one in the brother’s room upstairs. Gretchen and I also witnessed the REMpod on video go off, and then the light stayed on without sound (odd).


Below are some of the EVP’s we recorded from the investigation.  Since some of the EVP’s are faint we recommend turning up the sound and listening with headphones. What we hear in the EVP’s is listed below.

What we hear:

  1. “Hey”
  2. “I hear you”
  3. “Hey” then Rempod going off
  4. “I want to try now”
  5. “No”
  6. “Right here”
  7. “Whoo”