Ghosts of Georgia Investigation report

On January 17, 2015, GOGPI investigated claims of paranormal activity at a private residence in Cumming, GA. The activity reported at the residence is as follows: Voices, odors, shadows, apparitions, cold spots, knocking and rapping, open doors, sudden mood changes, male voices in client’s room, female voice in living room, childrens voices upstairs, smell of cologne near guest room, black human like shadows in whole house, male spirit in client’s room and in living room, freezing cold in my daughters room, knocking and rapping for 5 hours a couple weeks ago, crying babies, giggling, basement doors open to the outside, daughters toys are played with at night.

Investigators & people present at investigation: Investigators – Ed Laughlin, Beth Peters, Gretchen Mann & Larry Conley

Weather conditions:
Meridian Passing
Jan. 17, 2015 Moonrise
4:38 AM
3:18 PM (247) Time
9:58 AM (36.9) Altitude
Distance Illuminated

11.7% Phase



Past Weather Conditions for KCNI
Observations prior to selected time: January 17, 2015 – 09:00 EST
Weather Conditions at January 17, 2015 – 8:55 EST
8:55 24 Hour Max 24 Hour Min
Temperature 35.6° F 50.0 at 14:55 30.2 at 2:35
Dew Point 28.4° F 28.4 at 12:15 23.0 at 16:55
Relative Humidity 75% 93 at 5:15 37 at 16:35
Wind Speed 0 mph 13 at 12:55 0 at 22:35
Wind Gust – 17 at 12:35 16 at 13:55
Pressure 28.95 in 28.95 at 8:55 28.83 at 15:35
Sea Level Pressure 30.31 in 30.31 at 8:35 30.15 at 15:35
Altimeter 30.26 in 30.26 at 8:55 30.14 at 15:35
Weather conditions clear – –
Visibility 10.00 miles 10.00 at 9:55 7.00 at 9:15

Equipment used by Investigators:

Cameras: Two Canon Rebel digital cameras, iPhone 5S Camera/Video and Four IR Video Cameras connected to a J2000 DVR. Nikon Coolpix L28 Full Spectrum digital camera, Bell & Howell IR Camcorder, JVC Everio Camcorder, T700 Full spectrum Camcorder, MagiCam Mini Camcorder
DVR: Black HD-SDI H.264
EMF Meters: Electro Sensor EMF Meter, Cell Sensor, Digital EMF Detectors, Mel-8704R-KII and K-II Meter.
Audio Recorders: Sony P210 digital voice recorder and an Olympus D-10 digital voice recorder and Olympus VN-4100PC. Spion Parabolic Dish
Thermometers: Cen-Tech mini non-contact infrared digital thermometer and an Omega HH68K ambient thermometer. Mel-8704R-KII has ambient thermometer included
Condition of the home:

The home was in good condition, all utilities were in good working condition, outside doors and windows were in good shape with little to no noise or drafts coming from the outside.

Start DVR 9:06 pm, Start Investigation 7:30 pm – End Investigation 1:40 am

Base Readings
Kitchen 69.6 temp, 0.0 EMF
Living Room 69.3 temp, 0.0 EMF
Main floor hallway near Bathroom 69.9 temp, 1.2 EMF
Bathroom on main floor 70 temp, 0.0 EMF
Dining Room 69.7 temp, 0.0 EMF
Master Bedroom 69.1 temp, 0.0 EMF
Master Bathroom 69.0 temp, 0.0 EMF
Basement – Billiard Room 67.8 temp, 0.0 EMF
Basement – Living Room 68.7 temp, 0.0 EMF
Basement – Exercise Room 67.6 temp, 0.0 EMF
Basement – Storage 67.7 temp, 0.0 EMF
3rd Floor Hall 71.1temp, 0.0 EMF
3rd Floor Boy’s Room 70.3 temp, 0.0 EMF
3rd Floor Hall Bathroom 71.1 temp, 0.0 EMF
3rd Floor Guest Bedroom 70.2 temp, 0.0 EMF
3rd Floor Girl’s Room 67.7 temp, 0.0 EMF

Investigation – Team 1 – Gretchen & Beth
1. 9:15-9:30 pm – Master Bedroom & Bathroom (Did all readings and EVP sessions together so we could finish before the client’s husband came home – He told her he wanted to go to bed.)
a. 9:33 pm – Husband came home and walked in the house. We left the Master Bedroom
2. 9:46 pm – 3rd Floor Girl’s Bedroom
a. 9:54 pm – Start EVP w/Spirit Box – 10:06 pm End EVP
3. 10:06 pm – 3rd Floor Guest Bedroom
a. 10:09 pm – Start EVP w/Spirit Box & flashlight – 10:17 pm End EVP
4. 10:18-10:19 pm – 3rd Floor Boy’s Room
5. 10:24 pm – Basement Billiard Room
a. 10:27 – Start EVP – 10:41 pm End EVP
6. 10:43 pm – Basement Living Room
a. 10:46 pm – Start EVP w/Spirit Box & flashlight – 11:07 pm End EVP

Investigation – Team 2 – Ed & Larry
7. 11:20 pm – Master Bedroom/Closet/Bathroom
a. 11:26 pm Start EVP w/flashlight in the Bathroom – 11:34 pm End EVP
b. 11:37 pm Start EVP w/flashlight in Bedroom – 11:43 pm End EVP
8. 11:45 pm – Basement Billiard Room
a. 11:52 pm Start EVP w/Spirit Box & Flashlight – 11:56 pm End EVP
9. 12:03 am – Basement Living Room
a. 12:12 am Start EVP w/Spirit Box – 12:23 am End EVP
10. 12:27 am – Main Floor Foyer
11. 12:31 am – 3rd Floor Girl’s Room
a. 12:36 am – Start EVP w/Spirt Box – 12:45 am End EVP
12. 12:46 am – 3rd Floor Guest Room
a. 12:51 am – Start Conversational EVP & Questions – 12:59 am End EVP
13. 1:01 am – 3rd Floor Boy’s Room
a. 1:02 am – Start EVP – 1:09 am End EVP
14. 1:10 am – Main Floor Foyer
a. 1:12 am – Start EVP w/Spirit Box – 1:18 am End EVP

1:20 am – End Investigation


GOGPI was called in to investigate the above claims of activity. Base reading in the house were within normal limits, temperature normal for conditions, EMF were within normal reading, except around the electrical equipment and electrical panels where they were higher, as expected.

We did not get anything in our pictures. We did capture a light anomaly in the video at he rear doors of the basement, but cannot say that it was paranormal but was interesting non the less. We did record several EVP’s. A couple investigators had some personal experiences, see below.

With the claims of activity, personal experience by the investigator, the EVP’s that were recorded we feel like there is paranormal activity in the house. We feel that the activity is not harmful for the home or the client and her family. We cannot say the house is haunted without a follow up investigation to see if we can reproduce the claims of activity, personal experiences, and to gather more evidence of paranormal activity.
Ed Laughlin
Ghosts of Georgia Paranormal Investigations
Personal Experience summaries from investigators on the investigation

No Personal Experiences

No Personal Experiences

My personal experiences- Heard several pops in the basement that appeared to be coming from the basement. Heard a female yell while I was at base and heard by our client, but not picked up on audio even though my recorder was running. The house was noisy (pops and bangs). The camera on the landing lost power several times in the night while we were at base. It always seemed to coincide with Team 2’s beginning and ending of EVP sessions which I also confirmed over listening to audio. I went upstairs the first time it happened to check the camera. Everything was tight and plugged in on my inspection. The camera actually went back on before I touched it, and then playing around with the connections did not turn the camera off. My back left crown/hair was played with for a good five minutes in the basement while I sat in the iron chair with a white cushion. I could actually feel what seemed as fingers going through my hair. Then that sensation went to my neck. Heard Bob and Joe come over the ghost box. Bob’s communication continued over the ghost box and with what I feel was substantial flashlight communication.

Psychic impression- I was asked to walk through the house by the client so I obliged. On the way to the home about a mile away… I got three names Wright, Thompson, and Ruel. On the walk thru, in the bedroom around the bed I sensed the history of a male energy. He is maybe 50-60 years old. He appears to be from the 1920s-30s. He has on a wide brimmed hat. To Beth he was wearing a Sunday suit and me- work clothes. He has no expression, but his face is weathered and he looks like a hard worker. He stands and sits at the end of the bed at night and seems to be drawn to the client as she reminds him of someone he knows. It is confusing to him. He is not angry or mean or mad. He is just there. I do believe he is from the area and worked as a field hand. His energy is strong, and to me overshadowed any other energy in the area. I get moonshine around him, likes to drink. He is transient. I did not get a female there.

In daughter’s bedroom, I felt the history of children especially a little girl, I got the name Ruthie. I get lung illness around her. She is wearing a yellow jumpsuit/ dress, and she loves this room. She has never seen toys such a these and she is good at playing with them. She gets lost in this and is often overbearing when it comes to taking turns”. She comes and goes…I feel a little boy has been up and down the hallway and he is seen often. He is not connected to anyone and he comes and goes.

When the name Joe came over the box, I knew immediately it was her father. He was not someone I picked up on in the walk through.

The basement and the master bedroom were at the present time, the most active for me. During the walk through, I walked down in the basement and there was actively the man I thought I sensed in the bedroom. He was sitting in the iron chair just looking at me. I go the name Robert for him. Later the name Bob came over on the ghost box a couple of times. Flat affect dressed in overalls. I thought this was the same energy as in the bedroom at first, but now I am not sure, as this energy was not as heavy to me. I do believe Bob was the guy messing with my hair.

I feel cleansing of the home may provide some relief, but I feel the client is sensitive and will have other experiences. Understanding that these guests are not harmful and normal may bring peace of mind. I think instilling rules in her home may also bring peace. In lieu of calling the home haunted, I think we should call the client sensitive.

Personal experiences:
Heard several unexplained house sounds (popping and creaking), but at times seemed much more than the normal house sounds. All were out of our area when we heard them. But they were pretty loud and nobody was in the area of the popping and creaking. Heard two distinct names, among other miscellaneous words spoken over the ghost box when conducting EVP sessions. – Joe and Bob. Both of these names were given in two different parts of the house when we were doing EVP sessions. We would ask, “Can you tell us your name?” Bob told us he was in the basement and Joe gave his name on the 3rd floor in the daughter’s bedroom. I saw a couple of shadows on the 3rd floor in the son’s room. I witnessed Camera #1 that was set up on the landing on the 3rd floor lose video on several occasions. We have never had trouble with this camera and seemed to go out when an EVP session was being conducted by the other team. The video would come back on as soon as they were calling on the radio back to us that they were done. It literally happened at the same time. This happened several times. When in the basement with Gretchen, she was having the feeling that her hair was being pulled and played with. At the same time, I was taking meter and temperature readings around her. I stood in one place without moving and had the spirit that was playing with her hair move the temperature higher and lower by command. The temp would move between 66.7 – 67.8, up and down several times. Again, we heard several loud pops and sounds in the basement just out of our reach. We also had flashlight communication in the basement with “Bob”.

Psychic Report:
Before arriving at the home I had a vision of one of the client’s dogs and temperament. I also had the message, “there is 3.” I believe the dog vision was to let me know I was connected with the family. It was confirmed when I arrived. The message about 3 turned out to be significant later in the evening.
In my walk through, I picked up on a woman’s energy in the master bathroom and closet. I could “see” this woman going between both rooms cleaning up, moving around the hangers and banging things around in the closet. I got the impression that she was aggravated with the client’s husband for not following the closet “rules”. The woman told me this was her home, (the Cumming GA area) and she likes to be busy. She likes our client. She asked to be called Madam. I verified later with the client that she does indeed hear all kinds of hanger and shuffling noises in the closet. She has also felt like she was not alone in her bathroom.
On the 3rd floor, I picked up on the Client’s father who later told me his name was Joe over the Ghost box during an EVP session. The client confirmed it was his name. He said he likes to hang around up there and help watch over his granddaughter. He goes between the guest room and the daughter’s bedroom. One job he has taken on, is managing a child spirit who goes in the client’s daughter’s room and plays with her toys. She is a small girl and a little unruly. She is not the type of child the client’s daughter would probably play with. She has poor manners, jumps out and scares her and plays with all her toys without permission. Later during our investigation the child spirit showed me the one toy out of many that she loves to play with. She had me take a picture so I could show the client. The client confirmed it was one of the toys that kept being messed with. It became such a problem, the client had to take the doll part of the toy away from the chair to make all the lights and sounds stop going off. The client thinks that is why the child spirit had me take the picture and show her the toy. The child might want it to work again.
In the basement, I picked up on an energy flow from the back doors. It seemed as if some type of spirit or spirits would flow through this area or hang out in the back sitting room area. I did not get the impression of anyone in particular, but later during the investigation, a spirit named “Bob” communicated with us.
To sum things up: I believe this home has lots of activity and possibly several spirits. I got the impression that all 3 floors of the home had very different things going on and may not relate to each other. This is where “there was 3” made sense to me. I did not feel scared or unsafe. I would not consider the home “haunted”. I felt very comfortable in the house. I also feel like there is a strong possibility that spirits feel very comfortable around our client because she is also sensitive to energy. I would consider our client a light that spirits are attracted to. With some training, I believe the client could learn to control what spirits she allows to be in her home. I recommended she take some psychic development classes to understand her skills.

What we hear:

  1. “Start”
  2. “I will”
  3. A breath
  4. “Yes”
  5. “Alright”