Ghosts of Georgia Investigation report

On November 28, 2017, GOGPI investigated claims of paranormal activity at a private residence in Atlanta, GA. The activity reported at the home is as follows: Odors, cold spots, TV coming on by itself, clients three year old son seeing ghosts, the vibrator on the bed frame turns on by itself.

Investigators & people present at investigation: Investigators – Ed Laughlin, Shannon Brown, Christie & Chris Bradley


Moonrise, moonset and phase calendar:

Meridian Passing  

11-28, 2017


2:40 AM



3:00 PM


(252°)       (252°)
Meridian Passing Time

9:18 PM





Distance Illuminated







Almanac for Atlanta, GA
November 28, 2017
Daily Data Observed —- Normal Record Highest Record Lowest
Max Temperature 66 59 75 in 1990 37 in 1912
Min Temperature 39 41 64 in 1985 20 in 1936
Avg Temperature 52.5 49.8 69.0 in 1985 31.5 in 1912
Precipitation 0.00 0.16 3.53 in 1948 0.00 in 2017
Snowfall 0.0 0.0 T in 1966 0.0 in 2017
Snow Depth 0 0 in 2017 0 in 2017
HDD (base 65) 12 15 33 in 1938 0 in 2001
CDD (base 65) 0 0 4 in 1985 0 in 2017


Equipment used by Investigators:

Cameras: Two Canon Rebel digital cameras, Samsung digital camera, Fuji S602 digital camera, Tasco infrared trail camera, iPhone 5S Camera/Video, numerous IR Video Cameras connected to a J2000 DVR. Nikon Coolpix L28 Full Spectrum digital camera, Bell & Howell IR Camcorder, JVC Everio Camcorder, T700 Full spectrum Camcorder, DDV-2200 full spectrum video camcorder, Insignia full spectrum HD camera/video recorder, MagiCam Mini Camcorder, FLIR Bcam w/SD, set of full spectrum POV glasses.

DVR: Black HD-SDI H.264

EMF Meters: Electro Sensor EMF Meter, Cell Sensor, Digital EMF Detectors, Mel-8704R-KII, Mel-8704-R, several K-II Meters.

Audio Recorders: Sony P210 digital voice recorder, 2- Sony digital recorders, Olympus D-10 digital voice recorder, RCA digital recorder Olympus VN-4100PC. Spion Parabolic Dish.

Thermometers: Cen-Tech mini non-contact infrared digital thermometer and an Omega HH68K ambient thermometer. Mel-8704R-KII has ambient thermometer included.

Other: 2-P-SB7 frequency sweep radio( spirit box ), P-SB11 spirit box, Spirit voice receiver, Boo Buddy Bear, Laser Grid, Compaq Presario Laptop, Dell Laptop, Ovilus M, Altec speaker, 2- Rem Pods, Mobile Kinect, various flashlights.

Condition of home:

House is in good condition, it is structurally sound, well maintained, all utilities in good working order, very little draft from outside windows and doors, can hear some sounds from outside.


Start DVR 8:20 pm – Investigation 8:50 pm – End Investigation 12:56 am – Stop DVR 12:58 am

Base Readings8:25 pm

Living Room               65.5 Temp       0.0 EMF

Kitchen                       66.8 Temp       0.0 EMF (21.0 by Keurig)

Dining Room               65.6 Temp       0.0 EMF

Boy’s Room                70.3 Temp       0.0 EMF

Guest Room                 69.3 Temp       0.0 EMF

Upstairs Hall               70.0 Temp       0.0 EMF

Upstairs Bath               71.8 Temp       0.0 EMF

Master Bedroom         70.9 Temp       0.0 EMF

Master Bath                 70.3 Temp       0.0 EMF


After Base Readings and Equipment Set Up – Investigation Began

Investigation – Team 1 – Christie & Chris

  1. 8:57 pm – Master Bedroom
    1. 8:57 pm – Start EVP w/Spirit Box – 9:12 pm End EVP
  2. 9:16 pm – Boy’s Room

9:16 pm – Start EVP w/Flashlight – 9:26 pm End EVP

  1. 9:29 pm – Guest Room
    1. 9:29 pm – Start EVP w/Spirit Box – 9:42 pm End EVP
  2. 9:46 pm – Living Room
    1. 9:46 pm – Start EVP w/Spirit Box – 10:04 pm End EVP

Investigation – Team 2 – Ed & Chris

  1. 10:21 pm – Basement – 10:29 pm End Basement Investigation
  2. 10:32 pm – Living Room
    1. 10:37 pm – Start EVP w/Flashlight & Spirit Box – 11:02 pm End EVP
  3. 11:04 pm – Guest Room
    1. 11:11 pm – Start EVP w/Flashlight & Meters – 11:21 pm End EVP
  4. 11:25 pm – Boy’s Room
    1. 11:25 pm – Start EVP w/Spirit Box – 11:39 pm End EVP
  5. 11:42 pm – Master Bedroom
    1. 11:42 pm – Start EVP w/Spirit Box – 11:44 pm Stop Spirit Box, Add Flashlight – 11:50 pm End EVP

Investigation – Team 3 – Christie & Shannon

  1. 11:55 pm – Master Bedroom
    1. 11:59 pm – Start EVP w/Flashlight & Spirit Box – 12:15 am End EVP
  2. 12:16 am – Boy’s Room
    1. 12:18 am – Start EVP w/Flashlight – 12:27 am End EVP
  3. 12:28 am – Guest Room
    1. 12:30 am – Start EVP w/Spirit Box – 12:42 am End EVP
  4. 12:43 am – Living Room
    1. 12:45 am – Start EVP w/Flashlight & Spirit Box – 12:56 am End EVP

End Investigation: 12:56 am


GOGPI was called in to investigate the above claims of activity. We set up stationary cameras in the reported active areas of the house. We then started investigating the rooms in the home by taking EMF and temperature readings, all were within normal limits, and conducting EVP session throughout the home. We did not get anything in our pictures or video. We did record numerous EVP’s. The investigators did not have any personal experiences.

With the claims of activity from the client and the EVP’s that were recorded we feel like there is paranormal activity in the house. We feel that the activity is not harmful for the home or the client and family. We cannot say the house is haunted without a follow up investigation to see if we can reproduce the claims of activity, personal experiences, and to gather more evidence of paranormal activity.

Ed Laughlin

Ghosts of Georgia Paranormal Investigations

Personal Experience summaries from investigators on the investigation

Our investigators had no personal experiences at this investigation.



●      3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 2147 sq. ft., unfinished basement

●      Built 2007, 2 stories, exterior wood.

●      No deaths found on property.

●      About A.D. 1400, for reasons still debated, some of the indigenous peoples large chiefdoms collapsed and reorganized themselves into smaller chiefdoms spread about in Georgia’s river valleys, including the Ocmulgee and the Chattahoochee. The Spanish incursions into the Southeast in the sixteenth century devastated these peoples. European diseases such as smallpox may have killed 90 percent or more of the native population. But by the end of the 1600s Southeastern Indians began to recover.

●      The history of early Georgia is largely the history of the Creek Indians. For most of Georgia’s colonial period, Creeks outnumbered both European colonists and enslaved Africans and occupied more land than these newcomers. Not until the 1760s did the Creeks become a minority population in Georgia. They ceded the balance of their lands to the new state in the 1800s.

●      In 1836, when Georgia decided to build a railroad to the U.S. Midwest and a location was chosen to be the line’s terminus. The stake marking the founding of “Terminus” was driven into the ground in 1837 (called the Zero Mile Post). In 1839, homes and a store were built there and the settlement grew. Between 1845 and 1854, rail lines arrived from four different directions, and the rapidly growing town quickly became the rail hub for the entire Southern United States. During the American Civil War, Atlanta, as a distribution hub, became the target of a major Union campaign, and in 1864 Union William Sherman’s troops set on fire and destroyed the city’s assets and buildings, save churches and hospitals.

●      Civil War activity in the 5 mile radius of the area:

o      July 18, 1864. Hooker’s Federal 20th Corps occupied this area and camped in this vicinity that night, while Ward’s div. moved E. to Buckhead where it camped on the right of Howard’s 4th Corps.

o      July 19. Geary’s div. moved S.W. (on Arden Rd.) 6 miles away, intending to cross Peachtree Cr., at Howell’s Mill. Finding the 14th A.C. there, Geary shifted his column so as to cross above (at North Side Drive). Williams followed Geary the next day to the battlefield of Peachtree Creek.

o      July 20, 1864. To this high ground, 500 yds. away from Collier Rd. the 33d N.J. regt., Jones’ brigade, was sent to establish & support a battery position. The regiment had scarcely reached this hill when, in a surprise attack, it was assailed by Scott’s brigade (Loring’s div.) [CSA] moving toward the main line of the 20th corps.

o       August 1864, From a bastion (at W. Fair & Ashby Sts.) of the city fortifications, an entrenched line of earthworks was added which ran S.W. to and below East Point. This line, W. of and parallel to the West Point and Macon railroads (entering the city from the S.W.), was designed to resist Federal attempts to seize them. From July 28 to Aug. 25, progressive approaches to, and continuous bombardment of, the city having failed, the Federals seized the railroads at Fairburn & Jonesboro, thereby forcing the evacuation of Atlanta, which was surrendered by Mayor J. M. Calhoun on Sept. 2

●      The last 6 months, 102 car thefts, break-ins, and stolen out of car.

●      Sept. 2014, a man was found dead and wrapped in a blanket less than a mile away

●      Two women were found dead in an abandoned house 3 miles away on Dec 2014.  They were strangled months apart.

●      19 UFO sightings within 1 mile of residence, shapes were mostly spheres and stars.

●      Very large Norfolk Southern – Inman railroad center across the street from home.  It opened in 1958.

●      1 cemetery 3 miles away and cemetery 2 miles away.

●      Notable locations nearby: Neely Nuclear Research Center, Inman Yard, a City Pumping Station, at 1600 Perry Blvd.(1 minute walk)  there is an underground storage tank for hazardous waste, 3 miles away water pollution treatment plant, a Foundry primary smelting and refining of metal (except no copper or aluminum)

●      Within 3 miles of the home for 2014, Fatal accidents in area are 7, 2 from drunken drivers, total of 8 dead over all incidents.

Saturday 11/04 65 | 40 °F – Scattered Thunderstorms





Below are some of the EVP’s we recorded from the investigation.  Since some of the EVP’s are faint we recommend turning up the sound and listening with headphones. What we hear in the EVP’s is listed below.

What we hear:

  1. “Yes”
  2. “I guess” then “Ed”
  3. “Welcome”
  4. “Hello” then “Chris”
  5. “Oh Yeah”
  6. “The house”
  7. “Perfect” then “Yeah” then “House”
  8. “Help” then “Can’t”
  9. “Yes” then “Tim or Jim” then “Close” then “It is”
  10. “Sir” then “Hi”
  11. “Faulty”
  12. “The light” then “In death”
  13. “Light”
  14. “Hey Ed” then “Really”