Ghosts of Georgia Investigation report

On March 4, 2017, GOGPI investigated claims of paranormal activity at Andersonville Station Restaurant. The activity reported at the home is as follows:  Voices, Cold spots, Radio playing but muffled, Bread flys off the shelf, apparitions of a small child and slender man, children’s stools being moved, seeing shadow people.

Investigators & people present at investigation: Investigators – Ed Laughlin, Chris & Christie Bradley & Brian Daffern


Moonrise, moonset and phase calendar:

Meridian Passing  

3-4, 2017


11:15 AM



12:11 AM


(252°)       (252°)

6:13 PM





Distance Illuminated








Almanac for Andersonville Area, GA (ThreadEx)
March 4, 2017

Weather Conditions:

Daily Data Observed —- Normal Record Highest Record Lowest
Max Temperature 66 66 85 in 1976 42 in 1975
Min Temperature 36 44 63 in 1932 20 in 1943
Avg Temperature 51.0 55.1 72.0 in 1955 34.5 in 2002
Precipitation 0.00 0.17 3.87 in 1934 0.00 in 2017
Snowfall 0.0 0.0 T in 1978 0.0 in 2017
Snow Depth 0 0 in 2017 0 in 2017
HDD (base 65) 14 10 30 in 2002 0 in 2015
CDD (base 65) 0 0 7 in 1955 0 in 2017

Equipment used by Investigators:

Cameras: Two Canon Rebel digital cameras, Samsung digital camera, Fuji S602 digital camera, Tasco infrared trail camera, iPhone 5S Camera/Video, numerous IR Video Cameras connected to a J2000 DVR. Nikon Coolpix L28 Full Spectrum digital camera, Bell & Howell IR Camcorder, JVC Everio Camcorder, T700 Full spectrum Camcorder, DDV-2200 full spectrum video camcorder, Insignia full spectrum HD camera/video recorder, MagiCam Mini Camcorder, FLIR Bcam w/SD, set of full spectrum POV glasses.

DVR: Black HD-SDI H.264

EMF Meters: Electro Sensor EMF Meter, Cell Sensor, Digital EMF Detectors, Mel-8704R-KII, Mel-8704-R, several K-II Meters.

Audio Recorders: Sony P210 digital voice recorder, 2- Sony digital recorders, Olympus D-10 digital voice recorder, RCA digital recorder Olympus VN-4100PC. Spion Parabolic Dish.

Thermometers: Cen-Tech mini non-contact infrared digital thermometer and an Omega HH68K ambient thermometer. Mel-8704R-KII has ambient thermometer included.

Other: 2-P-SB7 frequency sweep radio( spirit box ), P-SB11 spirit box, Spirit voice receiver, Boo Buddy Bear, Laser Grid, Compaq Presario Laptop, Dell Laptop, Ovilus M, Altec speaker, 2- Rem Pods, various flashlights.

Condition of Andersonville Station Rest:

The building was move from a location in Dooley County and was originally a house built circa 1900. The structure is sound, all utilities up to date and in good working order, outside doors and windows are old and subject to outside noises and drafts.

Start DVR 7:14 pm, Start Investigation 10:20 pm, End Investigation 1:00 am, Stopped DVR 1:52 am

Base Readings7:05 pm (6:00-8:30 pm – Set up and Base Readings)

Kitchen            76.2 Temp       EMF (0.3 potato oven, 11.7 sandwich area, 0.5 radio 0.4 bar 3.2 microwave)

Dining Room   73.5 Temp       0.0 EMF (14.6 at soda fridge)

Bathroom         73.4 Temp       0.0 EMF

Bedroom (up)  71.5 Temp       0.1 EMF

Hallway (down) 73.5 Temp    0.0 EMF

Wash Area      73.9 Temp       0.0 EMF

After Base Readings and Equipment Set Up – Investigation Began

Investigation Began – 10:10 pm

Investigation – Team 1 – Chris & Brian

  1. 10:20 pm – Inside/Hallway
    1. 10:25 pm – Start EVP w/Spirit Box – 10:42 pm End EVP
  2. 10:43 pm – Upstairs
    1. 10:45 pm – Start w/Spirit Box & Flashlight EVP – 11:05 pm End EVP
  3. 11:07 pm – Kitchen & Dining Room
    1. 11:15 pm – Start EVP w/Spirit Box & Flashlight – 11:38 pm End EVP
  4. 11:50 pm – Outside/Pavilion
  5. 12:05 am – Lower Side – EVP w/Spirit Box

Investigation – Team 2 – Ed & Christie

  1. 10:20 pm – Outside/Pavilion
    1. 10:30 pm – Start EVP – 10:45 pm End EVP
  2. 11:00 pm – Post Office
    1. 11:00 pm – Start EVP w/Ghost Box – 11:15 pm End EVP
  3. 11:50 pm – Inside/Upstairs
    1. 12:00 am – Start EVP w/Spirit Box & Flashlight – 12:15 am End EVP
  4. 12:20 pm – Hallway
    1. 12:20 am – Start EVP – 12:25 am End EVP
  5. 12:28 am – Dining Room
    1. 12:33 am Start EVP w/Spirit Box – 12:48 am End EVP

End Investigation: approximately 1:00 am


GOGPI was called in to investigate the above claims of activity. We set up stationary cameras in the reported active areas of the restaurant. We then started investigating by taking base EMF and temperature readings.

Base reading in the restaurant were within normal limits, temperature normal for conditions, EMF were within normal reading, except around the electrical equipment and electrical panels where they were higher, as expected.

We did not get anything in our pictures or video. We did record numerous EVP’s. Most investigators had some personal experiences, see below.

With the claims of activity from the client her family and customers, personal experiences by the investigators, the EVP’s that were recorded we feel like there is paranormal activity in the restaurant. We feel that the activity is not harmful for the the client. family, and customers. We cannot say the restaurant is haunted without a follow up investigation to see if we can reproduce the claims of activity, personal experiences, and to gather more evidence of paranormal activity.

Ed Laughlin

Ghosts of Georgia Paranormal Investigations



Personal Experience summaries from investigators on the investigation


No Personal Experiences



  • In a cemetery with Christie, I made a joke that she should climb into the freshly dug open grave and there was a loud slam against monument next to it.  It did not happen before or after.
  • In the restaurant hallway, Christie and I had the EMF on our device come up and go down based on us asking.
  • In the kitchen with Chris, I heard a soft “yes” over my shoulder.  Hopefully, the recorder got it.
  • Multiple times in restaurant felt chills from elbow to shoulder, even when wearing a jacket.
  • Chris and I were in upstairs bedroom and we both heard a knock between us.
  • In the open field, was commanded to stop, a few times, when I moved towards where chris snapped a picture of what appears to be a person.
  • Chris and I kept hearing and seeing things in the trees, I have attached a stream of pictures that I snapped one after another.  Notice the changes.



Friday night as we ate supper before anything was said about what the client was seeing I kept seeing something out the corner of my eye over by the restroom. I felt as though it was a lady peeking through the boards and as I would look that way it she would hide. While investigating upstairs with Brian we heard a knock from between us. While me and Brian was in the field we heard stuff up in the woods towards where I had taken a picture of something.



I witnessed(with Brian) the MEL meter changing on command in the hall way. The base readings did not support the change in readings or higher EMF.

I saw a white light quickly form and then dissapear behind the post office.

I heard a labored breath in the closet behind the hall bathroom.

I heard two knocks in the dining area.

I saw a red dot by the cell sensor on the table.



107 East Church Street, Andersonville, Ga 31711


·       Called Anderson Station Confederate Restaurant

·       Previously was a house.  Not a lot of information on it.  Says original build date was at the turn of the century.  What it doesn’t say, which I found out from a local historian, it was actually located in Dooly County originally and was moved to its current resting spot sometime in the 1970’s.  I can’t find record of it in Dooly County.  No one can tell me what it was prior.

·       4.6 out of 5 stars on yelp.

·       It is reported that several soldiers that were near death at the close of the prison ultimately died on or near the property of the restaurant.  The exact number and specifics are unknown.  Since, it appears that only cause of death reported in the area is natural causes.

·       The Muscogee/Creek and the United States had signed the First Treaty of Indian Springs in 1821, under which the former ceded their territory east of the Flint River to Georgia. After the Creek vacated, the areas was populated from Lee County.

·       With the steady flow of settlers into Indian controlled land, local newspapers published sensationalized stories of cruel native tribes committing massive massacres of hundreds of white travelers. Although some settlers lost their lives to American Indian attacks, this was not the norm; in fact, Native American tribes often helped settlers cross the Plains. Not only did the American Indians sell wild game and other supplies to travelers in Andersonville, but they acted as guides and messengers between wagon trains as well..

·       Small farming community when incorporated in 1853 and was known as Anderson Station until the US post office was established in November 1855

·       The area around Andersonville is prime cotton country in Georgia.

·       Named for Mr. John Anderson who was a Director in the South Western Railroad

·       The town served as a supply depot during the period of the prison, and it included a post office, a depot, a blacksmith shop and stable, a couple of general stores, two saloons, a school, a Methodist church, and about a dozen houses.

·       The city is very near the prison. The Camp Sumter military prison at Andersonville was one of the largest Confederate military prisons during the Civil War. During the 14 months the prison existed, more than 45,000 Union soldiers were confined here. Of these, almost 13,000 died there. The chief causes of death were scurvydiarrhea, and dysentery.

·       After becoming the supply center for the prison, Andersonville was also the location for the office of Captain Henry Wirz, keeper of Andersonville Prison

·       Andersonville has been labeled as one of the greatest disasters and horrors that has occurred on United States soil since the trail of Tears because of the prison

·       The train depot (shown in the attached pictures) is where the prisoners were brought into.  Past and today images included.

·       It was not until 1968, when the large-scale mining of kaolin, bauxitic kaolin, and bauxite was begun by Mulcoa, Mullite Company of America, that the town was dramatically altered. This operation exploited 2,000 acres (8.1 km2) of scrub oak wilderness into a massive mining and refining operation. The company now ships more than 2000 tons of refined ore from Andersonville each week.

·       The current city population is 255.

·       Eighty thousand tourists annually visit Andersonville

·       Sumter County is where Andersonville is located.  In 1971 Jimmy Carter was inaugurated as Georgia’s 76th governor, the only one from Sumter County and the area.

·       October 25th 2015, Peggy Shepard died.  This was important because Miss Peggy, as she was affectionately known, worked to make the town into a Civil War Village and was known to say she would always watch over it.  She also started the Andersonville Historic Fair and was largely instrumental in the building of Pioneer Park and the purchase of the Drummer Boy Civil War Museum.

·       Drummer Boy Civil War Museum was built on the spot it is sitting on in the early 1900’s.

·       The depot at Andersonville is not original to the town, having been moved here in July 1974 from the Taylor County community of Mauk

·       City sits just outside the National Historical Area in support of the tourism

·       1 mile from the National Cemetery which has more than 20,000 people buried in it.

·       Chance of 1 in 171 of being a victim of violent crime in the city

·       Downtown Andersonville is one block

·       Visitors have reported hearing loud cries, faint whispers and whimpers, and yelling while walking in town. Many individuals express experiencing a smell that is foul.

·       There have been several reports in the museum next to the restaurant of mists.

·       Lots of reports of camera battery failure and photo’s being washed out in the area.

·       Numerous 1850s and 1860s revolvers, carbines and muskets and Civil War swords are on display along with original flags of the period.  A gem of the collection is a last national flag of the Confederacy and a 35-star, 6-by-10-foot United States flag that was captured by Pvt. James McChesney of the 14th Virginia Cavalry, Company C in the battle of Monocacy.

·       The area has a 6-acre Pioneer Farm with operating Grist Mill, a 130-year-old log cabin, and many more period buildings in a natural setting.

·       Only two reported tornados, one on 4/15/99 and 4/23/71 both Category 3.

·       One official MUFON UFO report from the county. Words of the reporter, “We were the only car on the road then at 11pm or so. We saw an orange orb or ball of light coming over the trees from the right of the road. We were both alarmed immediately and yelled out. I slammed on brakes to avoid going right under it. It appeared to be 100 feet ahead and about 30 feet in diameter with the bottom of it about 40 feet over the road. I backed up some to the city limit. We were scared. The orange orb appeared glowing and uniform without sound or other features. It appeared to be moving steadily at about 1 mph and we observed it for about 2 minutes before it disappeared over a line of trees about 100 feet from the road to the southwest.”

Friday 03/03 68 | 39 °F Sunny, a few clouds

Saturday 03/04 67 | 42 °F Sunny, a few clouds


Below are some of the EVP’s we recorded from the investigation.  Since some of the EVP’s are faint we recommend turning up the sound and listening with headphones. What we hear in the EVP’s is listed below.

What we hear:

  1. Taps, no one was in building.
  2. Thump noise, we were outside
  3. “Come”, no one in room.
  4. Door squeak and click noise, no one was in the building.
  5. Sniff sound then a voice after but can’t make out what is said, no one around.
  6. “Yes”
  7. “Yes” little girl’s voice
  8. “Marshall”
  9. “Thump noise”